
849 Lafayette apt. 8C
El Paso, TX 79907

Reina Rivera







Aug 05 - Jun 09

Del Valle H.S.
El Paso, Texas



Volunteer Experiences

Aug 08 - Jun 09

National Honor Society
El Paso, Texas


Aug 08 - Jun 09

Student Activities
El Paso, Texas


Jul 07 - Jun 09

Link Crew Leader
Link Crew
El Paso, Texas

» In Link Crew we help the incoming Freshmen learn about their school and to get involve in school activities.


Aug 08 - May 09

Dance/Drill Team
El Paso, Texas


Aug 07 - May 08

Activities Coordinator
French Club
El Paso, Texas

» I coordinated every activity we had , in and out of school.


Aug 05 - Jul 07

Church Coordinator
Cd. Juarez, Outside US/Canada

» I coodinated every team of the Confirmation Group.


Awards & Certificates


»  Top Ten Percent Graduate (May 09)


» All Star Dancers Of El Paso (Dec 08)


» The Mayor's 100 Teens (Sep 08)


» Project Pass (Jul 08)


» A-B Honor Roll (May 08)


Extracurricular Activities

Jun 08 - Aug 09

The Mayor's 100 Teens
» A program that recognizez teens that have overcome and obstacle in their life and still manage to be a great example to their community.


Aug 08 - Jun 09

French National Honor Society
» As an Honor Society we get more involved with French culture.Encouring students with activities and community service to learn from the French culture.


Aug 07 - Jun 09

Student Council
» As part of the student council and student activities I have learn leadership along with responsability. We make everything happen in our school. Providing fun activities to our classmates.


Jul 07 - Jun 09

Link Crew
» The Link Crew leaders served the incoming Freshmens to adjust to their first year of high school. It is important to us to help them adjust, in order for them to have a better attitude abour high school.


May 07 - Jun 09

National Honor Society
» This organizations works on maitaining every student involved in and out of school. With community service and school activities.


May 07 - Jun 09

Dance/Drill Team
» I am part of my school Dance Team "Conquerettes". We dance in Pep Rallys, Recitals, and so much more fun activities,like NCA competitions.


Aug 07 - Jun 08

French Club
» French Club is an after school program were we learn from the langague and the culture. Enjoyng activities with other schools on the district.


Aug 06 - May 07

Environmental Club
» We love our environment and we want the best for it. We collect animal needs and we take them to animal shelters. We keep clean our campus and areas around it.


Hobbies & Interests


Scrapbooks – In all my clubs/organizations I am the Historian. I am in charge of collecting pictures from all our activities and putting them together on a scrapbook. I just enjoy putting it together.


Cooking – Cooking is one of my passions. I enjoy cokoking for myself and for others.


Dance – One of my greatest passions is dance. I have been on the Dance program for three years now. This year will be my second year as part of the Dance/Drill Team of my school.


Photography – I have my camara with me all the time. Editing and making photography is what I enjoy the most.


Campus Beautification Projet – As part of the Link Crew we plant pine trees around our campus in order to have a more beautiful and clean campus.


Parent Night Child Care Volunteer – On parent night we set out a day care in order for parents to live their childrens in good care while they go around the school to introduce them selves with their son/daughter' teachers.


Teddy Bears From The Heart – Every year we collected teddy bears, and we send them to the police station with a tag on the bear. So when an accident occurs or a someone has just been victim of any kind of violence the fire men or the police men will hand out a teddy bear to the victim in order for them to fell better.


Thanksgiving Basket – School wide we collected baskets that will provide a happy and delicious dinner to those that needed it the most on Thanksgiving.


Skills & Abilities


Team Player


Able to multitask




High energy




Spanish – My fist languge. Im so proud of my heritage and my language.


English – English is my second language. Thanks to this language many doors will open to me in the future. Bilingual is the key.



Carolyn Lea Wilson
Del Valle High School
Bordeux 950
9105 Cosmos
El Paso, Texas

Claudia Chavez
Del Valle High School
1224 Sombra Grande
El Paso, Texas
(915) 355-5681

Magdalena Sigala
Del Valle High School
1276 Rosa Guerrero
El Paso, Texas
(915) 859-6626